Tuesday 15 May 2012

Monthly invoicing issues

Monthly invoicing issues o How do I control my costs when my account is on monthly invoicing? o Who do I contact if I think my cheque or bank transfer payment is lost? o What should I do if I have unapplied adjustments? o Where can I see unapplied payments and how do I apply them? o Why is my effective budget order different than what I requested? o Why are payments listed differently on my Transaction history and Invoices tabs? o Why don't my account reports match the costs on my monthly invoices? o How long does it take for my AdWords balance to update after I make a payment? Where can I see it? o Why is my billing account information pending verification or approval? o I’m using budget orders. Why aren’t my ads serving? o The link in a billing-related email I received has expired. Why? o Why are my campaign tab statistics different from my billing summary page statistics? o How do campaign daily budgets interact with my budget order?

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